Boo Hoo! Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star

The world is a free world (especially if it is the internet).

We cannot stop anyone from giving us a one-star review (we often joke that one-star is better than zero-star!).  At least we know how our customers are responding to our services. Good reviews takes ages to come (- or NEVER -), but bad reviews comes in an instant! No joke! We’re talking about the same customer!

Good reviews are kept in personal profile while a bad review is posted PUBLICLY on google

We admit that we are a first time pet boarding service provider.  Many times we try to please customers just to get a business or to retain them.  Hold and behold, we are unable to comprehend a request, which in our opinion, is OVERBOARD or in Hokkien “kuei tao”.  But nevertheless, the one-star review was expected and we accepted it with an open heart ♥ because it is a customer’s request that we couldn’t fulfill.  From that moment, we knew we cannot please everyone.  If Precious Paws Pet House does not meet your requirement, we apologize.  But we try to be objective and the choices we make are strictly business.

We do read about other businesses that had some bad reviews, being shared on Facebook, etc.  If we are not business owners, we feel the same sentiment as any other pet owner.  Things like “how could they do this?” often comes to mind when we read something bad.  But now, as business owners in the pet boarding industry, we find that some things we must “give chance” and not just shout ” boycott”,  “don’t shop here anymore” and comment badly at every post that the shop makes. Read all reviews (good or bad) and overall rating matters.

Especially for grooming services, we really believe that all groomers (certified & qualified groomers) have no intentions of hurting your pet.  Your pet is their “rice bowl” and it is a daunting task to keep your pet still during grooming. Accidents do happen, but its your choice to forgive (or not).  Whether to go back and patronize again is really on individual discretion. Only you know if it is worth going back (not some stranger’s negative comments).

P.S.: This pet nanny/groomer cannot accept aggressive dogs especially during nail cutting.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

Building good relationships will bring you peace of mind 


A Year In Review! (Almost)

Wow! How has the year 2017 been for us?

Here’s the list of dog clients that we encountered in the year:

  • dog with separation anxiety
  • dog that is a fussy eater
  • dog that is blind
  • dog that bites the nanny
  • dog that is barky
  • dog that sounds like he has asthma
  • dog that knows how to use the toilet
  • dog that doesn’t know how to use the toilet
  • dog that poo as much as it peed
  • dog that is an escape artist
  • dog that is not friendly to other dogs
  • dog that is super friendly with other dogs
  • dog that humps every (male/female) dogs
  • dog that plays non-stop
  • dog that needs a light on during night time
  • dog that has diarrhea
  • dog that is passive
  • dog that has a lot of saliva
  • dog that doesn’t know how to play

Thank you for making our life colourful and fun 


Our dog kennels

Are we a Pet Shop? Are we Home Boarding ? We are in-between!

We are not the traditional pet shop.  We do not have a wide range of pet products and supplies.  Our boarding area is 80% of the shop.  Lots of running space for your dogs.

We are not home boarding.  We wanted to be one, but can’t as we respect our neighbors at our residential area.  We also do not want local authorities to come knocking at our doors. This is why we had decided to open a shop at a commercial space.  We let your dogs out to play and socialize among dogs during the day (at least 5 hours per day).

We are IN-BETWEEN! We operate as “home boarding” providers with a “shop”.  We provide daily updates, communicate with you on how your pet is doing (if you don’t mind us contacting you on your holidays) and prepare dog food based on your requirements.

At Precious Paws Pet House, your furries have their own personal space at night.

Locked in a cage ? (NO!)  Locked in the toilet? (Certainly NOT!)   Locked at the balcony? (We don’t have one!) Outside with the hot weather ? (NO!)

Each kennel is spacious and exceeds standards set by the Department of Veterinary guidelines for pet boarding.

Call us for an appointments to view our place before making any decisions!

♥ Blog by Pet Nanny/Groomer, Elin T ♥




STORY OF US: Birth of Precious Paws Pet House

Hello my dear readers!

Thank you for your time to read about us.

This is the story of Precious Paws Pet House.  The idea of having a pet hotel or a pet boarding service for furry friends came about when we were looking for this service for our two toy poodles (yeap! our Husky had not arrived at that time).  As we have just shifted to Klang South, we were unsure where we should board our furries when we went for our holidays.  At this point of time, we had not heard of Petbacker, Petsodia or JomPaw yet. When we were in Puchong, we always boarded our two furries with “Pets And The City” (sounds similar to Sex In the City, right?).  We love that the small dogs are able to roam freely during the day! It was sad that we couldn’t find anywhere which had this same concept.  So whenever we needed to go for a quick holiday, we will drive all the way to Puchong (from Klang) to “Pets And The City” (so sad that they closed down recently!!).

Red & Coned-Puffy’s car ride to Pet Hotel in Puchong

We thought of starting the same concept in Klang.  We hope that we could be an example for new pet boarding place!

So we decided to look for a shop nearby and we found the perfect shop!

And this is how Precious Paws Pet House (PPPH) was born.  We thought of getting another dog to be a permanent resident at PPPH. So, we got Princess the Husky (her name at the shelter was Husky :D).  We named her after we saw a sauce company truck on the way back from her shelter.  The company name was “PUTERI” which is Princess in English.

Princess the Husky

 Our plan to place her as the permanent resident for PPPH didn’t materialized and she became part of our family in our home.   Princess is our naughtiest dog but we still love her to bits.

As first time pet boarding service providers, we are still learning to be the best!  Any comments and reviews (be it GOOD or BAD) will be taken to heart and we will try to improve as we go along.

Thank you to our CUSTOMERS for trusting us to take care of your furry family members.

We are ETERNALLY grateful :)))

♥ Blog written by: Pet Nanny/Groomer, Elin T ♥