Please send us a request via our WhatsApp QR code below:

In your request, please state the following information:
~ Grooming for either Dog (State the dog breed), Cat or Rabbit
~ When is the requested date and time
Only small pedigree or small sized dogs (or mixture of pedigree) are accepted for dog grooming.
Cats of good behavior are acceptable.
Pets that are aggressive during grooming will be rejected. It is the owner’s responsibility to declare truthfully on the pet’s nature and behavior.
Please take note that for first timers, you are not allowed to request for appointments on the same day.
After the time and date has been proposed by Precious Paws, you will need to fill up our Online Registration Form (one time registration) which will be given in the WhatsApp conversation.
NOTE: Please register online (via Google Form) to confirm the appointment as soon as possible. Otherwise, we reserve the right to give the slot to other customers.
After your appointment has been set, please be on-time for your appointment. Your appointment will be held for 15 minutes. If no contact and no-show, you will not be eligible for future appointments.